DAILY FROM 10-00 TO 22-00
ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
Адрес:125362 г. Москва, ул. Водников, д. 2
+7 (926) 820-37-94Электронная почта: sytin@sytin.org


The power of words to help medicine
"No". He could not agree with the cruel verdict of the doctors - lifelong disability (he was only 20 at the time). He stubbornly repeated: “I reject all illness, I am growing stronger... My body obeys..
How to listen to Sytin's moods correctly
Today we will talk about the second way of assimilation of moods - this is listening.What should you pay attention to when listening to moods?1. The first is the environment. It is advisable to alloca..
How to read Sytin's moods correctly
There are three main ways to assimilate attitudes:ReadingListeningRewritingIn this article, we will analyze how to effectively read Sytin's moods.1. There are two options for reading - aloud and silen..
How to rewrite Sytin's moods correctly
Rewriting is the most effective way of assimilation of moods, since in this case there is a maximum concentration on the mood. When rewriting, 80% of the brain is immediately involved.Let's talk about..
Курс по эффективному применению настроев Сытина с использованием воды
Мы разработали для Вас специальный курс восстановления здоровья на основе настроев Сытина и чистой родниковой воды!  Записывайтесь и узнайте первыми, как максимально быстро восстановить свое здо..
Multiple sclerosis
If you've been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, don't panic! This is not a sentence! There are effective methods of treatment that help not only stop the development of the disease, but also restore..
Psychosomatics of the gastrointestinal tract
In the human body, the psyche and the so-called soma (the bodily reactions of the body, their awareness) are closely related. Thanks to this connection, psycho-emotional manifestations find a way out ..
Opening of the first branch of the Academician Sytin Center in Kazan!
Dear friends!We have good news!On June 20, we solemnly opened the first branch of the Academician Sytin Center in Kazan!The President of the Center, Oleg Georgievich Sytin, made a speech at the openin..
We have on sale CD players!
Good afternoon, dear users of our online store!If you are used to listening to Sytin’s moods on disks, and you want to do it not only at home, but also on the road, there is great news for you! We hav..
The second part of the book "Treatment sessions of academician Sytin"
The second part of the book “Therapeutic sessions of academician Sytin” was published. This book will be VERY useful primarily for those who begin their acquaintance with the method, learn to effectiv..
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