DAILY FROM 10-00 TO 22-00
ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
Адрес:125362 г. Москва, ул. Водников, д. 2
+7 (926) 820-37-94Электронная почта: sytin@sytin.org

Biography of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Biography of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin.
Scientific research, the formation and development of the method, personal life.

  • Biography of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin
  • Childhood and youth. First reflections on life
  • War and injury
  • Scientific search of Georgy Sytin and work with athletes
  • A case from the preparation for a pistol shooter competition
  • Psychological work of Georgy Sytin in other sports
  • Cosmonaut training according to the method of Georgy Sytin
  • Teaching activity of Georgy Sytin and the application of the method in industrial enterprises
  • Publication of books by Georgy Sytin and organization of a psychological support center
  • Continuation of the scientific activity of Georgy Sytin and new finds. Domestic and foreign awards
  • Personal life and children of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Biography of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin (08/30/1921 - 11/21/2016) is the grand-nephew (sister's grandson) of the famous educator and publisher of the early 20th century Ivan Dmitrievich Sytin (his biography can be studied on Wikipedia).

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin was born in the small Kyrgyz town of Osh. The story of how a family of native Muscovites was forced to move so far from home is worthy of a separate story.

Childhood and adolescence of Georgy Sytin. First reflections on life

After the end of the civil war, an active search for internal enemies began in the young country of the Soviets. People were arrested en masse. First of all, they took for those whose origins caused rejection in the new government. Of course, the Sytin family was also ranked among such "inconvenient" people. The dynasty, thanks to which progress in the development of education, printing, history took place in Russia. First, the older brother was arrested, who managed to whisper to the maid that she should inform Nikolai (the father of Georgy Nikolaevich) about the beginning of the persecution. On the same day, the parents of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin left Moscow and did not return to it for more than twenty years. It is likely that this departure saved their lives.

The prerequisite for studying a person's capabilities in the field of self-development and a long, healthy, happy life was the children's reflections of George Nikolaevich. As an adult, he recalled that when he was still a child, he and his parents lived in Kyrgyzstan, he lay in a yurt at night and looked through a hole in the roof at the stars and wondered why life was so short and how great it would be to increase life expectancy. After reading in the ninth grade the book of the then-famous psychologist Kornilov "Education of Will", young Georgy was so inspired by her that he went to Moscow and personally met with the author. The meeting set him up for active study and study of various subjects. For this, after leaving school, he entered three universities at once. However, the war interrupted his studies.

War and injury

Georgy volunteered for the front and immediately got to the front line, where he was first wounded. During the battles, he showed courage and insolence, which is why he went through a whole string of hospitals and advanced and again hospitals.

The eighth injury was decisive. A fragment of the exploding shell hit the stomach and got stuck somewhere in the spine. At first, it was decided not to carry out the operation, but simply to leave George right in the hospital corridor to allow him to die without pain in a disconnected state. But when the doctors began their morning rounds, they noticed that the young man was still alive. Then it was decided to send him to an emergency operation.

After several months of hospitals, he was discharged from the ranks of the Army and recognized as a disabled person of the first group due to a severe battle wound. “We were delighted” that it would not take long to suffer from terrible pain, because usually people do not live long with such injuries. They dispensed 150 anesthetic capsules, a syringe with a needle, and a sterilizer. They advised me to learn how to inject myself. In those years, these few things constituted the entire arsenal of assistance that doctors could use to ease the suffering of a disabled person. Since then, around the clock have been focused on getting rid of endless pain.

“I am a strong, strong-willed and healthy person, able to completely control my body, my feelings. The pain disappears forever from my body. Every cell of my body is healthy and strong ”- this is the content of his first attitude. Thanks to these and similar words, he managed to overcome the disease. Moreover, not only to improve the state of health established by doctors' diagnoses, but to achieve such a result that after a few years he was recognized by the medical commission as fully suitable for military service. Having conquered disability, he decided to improve the accumulated experience and share it with people.

In mid-1948, he got an appointment with the Minister of Health, Efim Ivanovich Smirnov. On it, Georgy Nikolaevich told the story of his amazing healing. He complained to the minister about the lack of the necessary knowledge to popularize this technique and the ability to help all those who suffer (of which there were a huge number in the post-war years, and even in modern times there are enough). On the same day, Sytin was enrolled in the medical facultyofrenia.

Teaching activity of Georgy Sytin and the application of the method in industrial enterprises

During his scientific work at the Institute of Psychology, Georgy Nikolaevich also lectured for students. Then he recalled funny incidents from his teaching activities. When he was giving a lecture, students of not only his groups, but also students of other streams and other directions gathered to him. As a result, he had a full hall, some even stood, so it was interesting for them to listen to his lecture. And the dean of the faculty, checking the presence of students in the classroom, went into other lecture halls and asked the teacher why he had almost no one at the lecture, where are all the students? The teachers did not know what to say. Then the dean went into Sytin's lecture hall, saw the pandemonium and dispersed all the students to their lecture halls.

In addition to teaching at the Moscow Institute of Psychology, Sytin traveled a lot around our vast country. He lectured at other institutes of the USSR, studied with the ballet group of the Bolshoi Theater, performed for sailors on warships, and conducted pedagogical work in correctional colonies.

In 1983, the leadership of the USSR became interested in Sytin's work. On the personal instructions of the Chairman of the Government Kosygin, the method also began to be introduced at industrial enterprises of the country. The application of the method began at the Almaz jewelry factory in Moscow. Again, the method gives amazing results, and the Minister of Instrument Engineering takes under personal supervision the work of the experimental laboratory of Sytin, allocates large funding to it, prepares a training base for the dissemination of the Sytin method in other areas of industrial activity, and primarily among highly qualified workers.

The collapse of the USSR interrupted the purposeful work on the implementation of the G.N. Sytin at industrial enterprises and industries. But this did not stop the popularization of the method, and today it is in demand in medicine, pedagogy, psychology, sports and other areas of human life.

Publication of books by Georgy Sytin and organization of a psychological support center

Georgy Nikolaevich in the sixties and seventies wrote several books on pedagogy, the education of will in children in the family, the psychology of self-education, the training of pistol shooters and others.

The first full-fledged book on healing and rejuvenating the body was published in 1990 and was called “Life-giving force. Help yourself".

Georgy Nikolaevich continued to delve into the study of the influence of a person's thoughts and words on the health of the body and created new attitudes, published new books and actively conducted medical activities.

At the reception at Georgy Nikolaevich were even famous people from the Federation Council, the presidential administration and the administration of the Moscow mayor's office. By the decree of the then mayor of Moscow, Luzhkov, Georgy Nikolaevich was allocated a wonderful room of 200 square meters near the Skhodnenskaya metro station. Georgy Nikolaevich organized the All-Russian Center for psychological support and non-drug treatment there according to his own method.

Georgy Nikolaevich tried to make his method publicly available in order to help a large number of those in need. He published books, maintained a free medical salon in which people could come and listen to sessions with his mood absolutely free. Also, Georgy Nikolaevich personally received patients and, if necessary, not only gave ready-made moods from the card index, but also personally conducted a session with the patient.

Continuation of scientific activities and new findings
Domestic and foreign awards of Georgy Sytin

Being engaged in the treatment of people, Georgy Nikolaevich did not stop doing scientific work. He read various books and publications about the power of words, the influence of words on the human body. One book on research into the influence of words on human DNA caught his attention. It turned out that DNA molecules react to human words and begin to actively participate in the healing process of the body. This book inspired Georgy Nikolaevich to create new attitudes with the connection of DNA molecules. Georgy Nikolaevich was active in his scientific work, created new attitudes, and even during his vacation, when he was resting at his dacha in the Moscow region, he continued to create new and new attitudes, improving his method and doing, among other things, his own health improvement.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin has successfully worked with various academies and institutes. Scientific research into his method and conclusions has consistently been positive.

Georgy Nikolaevich created a huge number of moods for a variety of diseases and disorders in the human body. And also the mood for rejuvenating the body, strengthening will and developing abilities.

Many people, applying his attitudes, recover from a variety of ailments, send letters of gratitude for the miraculous healing and are glad that they got acquainted with such a wonderful method!

Many of Sytin's works were highly appreciated all over the world. He has a large number of not only domestic but also foreign awards.

In Belgium, Georgy Nikolaevich was awarded the title: "Chevalier of the Order of Science. Educatione. Culture ".

In the USA - the title of "Commander of the Order of Science. Education. Culture".

Georgy Nikolayevich devoted his whole life to the development and improvement of his method.

Personal life and children of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

The son of Georgy Nikolaevich, Oleg, now heads the Center, created by Georgy Nikolaevich. Oleg was born when his father was 70 years old, and his sister, Olga, was born when his father was 68 years old.

Both of them graduated from high school with excellent grades. Oleg with a silver medal, and Olga, his sister, with a gold medal.

Olga graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in Enterprise Economics and worked in a bank. Then she got married and is now raising children.

Oleg graduated from the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman with a degree in Medical Engineering. After graduating from the university, he additionally received a psychological education. Now Oleg heads the Center for the Method of Academician Sytin and is actively working on the development and dissemination of the method.

Also alive are two daughters of Georgy Nikolaevich from another marriage. They are now over 60 years old. One lives in the suburbs, and the other in St. Petersburg. Each of them has two children, and their children already have their own families.

Georgy Nikolaevich lived not only until the birth of his grandchildren, but also his great-grandchildren. He lived a full, active and interesting life, bringing benefits to many people.

Now the children are actively communicating, visiting each other and keeping the bright memory of their father, periodically recalling various interesting stories from his life. We will describe these stories in other articles on our website and our youtube channel.

Subscribe to our youtube channel, and you will learn a lot of interesting things, both about the method of Georgy Nikolaevich and about his life.