Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!
I read about your attitudes a long time ago in Soviet Russia, but I could never buy books, I just never met them, but, probably, by the will of God, in December 2005 I met a woman in the hospital who looked 60-65 years old, but she actually turned out to be 77, your fan.
And because we suffered, or rather she suffered from the same disease: bronchial asthma and arterial pressure, we became close. And she said that I need to read your moods.
Upon discharge from the hospital, I actively began to look for your books, and there were a great many of them, I immediately started reading “healing thoughts of the heart”, now my blood pressure has decreased from 190/110 to 140/90.
Stopped having frequent headaches. But in addition to blood pressure, I have bronchial asthma, mastopathy, varicose veins, and a lot of things that accumulate in a woman by the age of 55.
Of course, I rushed to Moscow with great hope. I am an Orlovchanka, but there is a very high fee for a course of treatment - 36,000 rubles, the cassettes are not sold to anyone.
It's a pity! I would like to receive you. I'll be back on March 20th.
With great respect and hope, your fan Selishchev Valentina Kuzminichna.
Orel, 16.03.2006
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