I have been familiar with the method for more than 10 years, in addition, physical training, proper nutrition and reprogramming my life program according to the method of Georgy Sytin.As a result, I became younger (and I live my youth), healthier, more energetic!I am constantly engaged, thanks to this I am still alive and well.Toskunov Alexey1952 year o...
Views: 1084
For over 10 years I have been using your attunements from your book #1
Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!I come to your center for the 3rd time from afar, from the Stavropol Territory.For over 10 years I have been using your attunements from your book #1.I don't have enough words to express my gratitude to you for your healing attitudes.From my own experience, I was convinced that moods should be repeated regularly.If I did not repe...
Views: 953
Had a motorcycle accident, Sytin's books helped me survive and restore my health
Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!You were sent by God himself to save people! Huge thanks to you! I know everything from your books for 35 years.In 1988, I had a motorcycle accident, suffered a lot, but your books helped me survive and restore my health.A year ago I met your books again, and now I live according to the law of eternal development, where there is ...
Views: 733
I am confident in my recovery, I will say more I see that I am healthy!
Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!Health to you and Help to your Center. I am sure that the Lord sent me knowledge about you! Confident in recovery. I will say more I see that I am healthy! Already healthy!Thanks to God who sends us all help through people like you. Thank you. Health!I also take my hat off to your feat in the Great...
Views: 733
Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!I sincerely express to you my admiration for the method of your teaching, which has a very fruitful and effective effect on the body (subject to regular use).Sincerely, WWII veteranFrom Zaraysk, Moscow RegionVasiliev Anatoly Konstantinovich09.11.2015...
Views: 817
Back in 1997, I accidentally poisoned myself with vodka (I don’t drink), at the funeral of my closest friend.5 years of struggle for existence, in 3 months, lost 26 kg.The stomach and especially the intestines suffered. Doctors shrugged, treated, gave sick leave, sympathized. But health steadily deteriorated.A friend came to visit and brought your book:...
Views: 978
Low bow and many thanks for your healing attitudes!
Dear, dear Georgy Nikolaevich!Low bow and many thanks for your healing attitudes!May God grant you and your family the same Divine joy, love, well-being, health, youth, life and happiness that are embedded and sound in your moods.With great gratitude, Natalia Mikhelson (I was born in Kyrgyzstan, now I work in Moscow).06/06/2016...
Views: 623
My nephew believes in you as God, feels much better
Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!My nephew believes in you as in God! Feels much better.Thank you very much!Aunt Mingalimov IldarAlmetyevsk, Tatarstan10/17/2020...
Views: 719
You gave me health, happiness, and joy of life
Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!Today is my lucky day because I saw you and was able to say how much you mean in my life.In 1951 I met you and purchased your book, which I have not parted with to this day.For everything, I want to thank you. For giving me health, happiness, and the joy of life.I am 83 years old, I still live happily, I rejoice and was able to s...
Views: 807
You gave me health, youth, joy
Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!I bow to you to the ground.You gave me health, youth, joy.Health to you and long life.MoscowGerasimova N.S....
Views: 885