DAILY FROM 10-00 TO 22-00
ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
Адрес:125362 г. Москва, ул. Водников, д. 2
+7 (926) 820-37-94Электронная почта: sytin@sytin.org

Sytina's attitudes cured the joints, improved vision, the goiter on the thyroid gland went away

  • Sytina's attitudes cured the joints, improved vision, the goiter on the thyroid gland went away
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Joints - before, my knees hurt a lot, but now we walk, our legs are like fluff.

Vision was - 3.5, and now it is only 1, but it has improved.

There was a large goiter on the thyroid gland, the doctors wanted to be operated on, she began to read the mood for the activation of the endocrine system. The goiter is almost gone, a small dot remains.

Penina Lyudmila Petrovovna

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