Hello, dear Sytin Center!
Georgy Sytin's books made a huge impression on me and my blind sister.
She even explained to me that her soul was waiting for these books.
In addition to the lack of vision, my sister has serious epilepsy and schizophrenia, I have a chronic mental illness - I hear voices and see unnecessary stories in my head.
After three days of reading the Women's Voices Attitude and the Schizophrenia Healing Attitude, I had a newborn silence in my head for the first time in 20 years.
I will read and read the moods of Georgy Sytin and read them to my blind sister.
Thank you very much!
I even hope, in the future, to stop taking medications, which have many side effects.
Sincerely, Elena Mordasova
MO, Schelkovsky district, pos. Fryanovo
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