DAILY FROM 10-00 TO 22-00
ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
Адрес:125362 г. Москва, ул. Водников, д. 2
+7 (926) 820-37-94Электронная почта: sytin@sytin.org

The husband suffered a heart attack, a stroke with paralysis, began to read Sytin's moods, and was soon discharged from the hospital

  • The husband suffered a heart attack, a stroke with paralysis, began to read Sytin's moods, and was soon discharged from the hospital
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In 2009, my husband suffered a heart attack, and a month later, a stroke with paralysis.

Over 7 years of endless treatment: injections, drugs, pills. Every 6 months he was in the hospital under droppers. Medicines gave allergies, itching, sheer torment. Goat's milk didn't help.

In 2016, my husband's condition worsened: varicose veins, circulatory disorders, leg wounds, non-healing trophic ulcers, weeping eczema, headaches, insomnia, hypertension - high blood pressure. The legs began to turn black.

Friends told us about the method of treatment with the attitudes of Academician G.N. Sytin and explained that the effect is stronger than many drugs and is harmless.

In connection with the exacerbation of the disease, the husband was hospitalized in the surgical department of the Krasnodar clinic. It was at this very time that my husband began to read the moods, he really liked them. He endlessly read moods for improving the functioning of the brain, heart, stabilizing pressure and others (he chose).

Reading moods calmed, pain, fear, anxiety went away, sleep improved, pressure decreased. Dropper treatment was applied in parallel. The effect of the treatment was excellent. The husband associated this with reading moods.

There were 7 people in the room. Except for the husband, everyone was operated on (amputations, etc.). Nobody was interested in the settings. The husband was soon discharged from the hospital. Doctors were very surprised that blood circulation in the legs was restored.

Since 2016, the husband continues to read moods daily and willingly. Droppers after 6 months no longer accepts. Feels fine and thanks God for the mood. My husband is 70 years old, and he continues to work.

G.N. Sytin is our Guardian Angel.

Kucherenko L.V. and N.V.

Krasnodar, 2019

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