Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful attitude! For your work, for your philanthropy, your kindness!!!
Your Divine attitudes are the only way to health and happiness, while ordinary, traditional medicine is practically powerless, as my personal experience and many people I know show.
Reading your moods, life can be the kind that you can only dream of - colorful, multifaceted, filled with joy.
On behalf of myself and my husband Sergey, I would like to thank you for our beloved son Saveliy, who was born on 05.10.10. Thanks to working with you according to your moods, my pregnancy went so easily and safely that only pleasant impressions and memories from this period remained.
And also I gave birth to a son in just 3! An hour (I'm 30 years old, first birth), almost painless birth. Happy birth. The child was born on 9/9 Apgar. Now at 4 months. It already weighs 7.5 kg and is an absolutely healthy and happy baby! We are very happy!
I continue to read and listen to G.N. Sytin! Every day I feel elation and joy of life! I know for sure that Divine moods are able to heal any disease or eliminate shortcomings, bad habits, etc. etc.
Thank you, our dear Georgy Nikolaevich!
Long, happy years of life to you and your family!
Potapova Olga, February 14, 2011, Moscow
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