DAILY FROM 10-00 TO 22-00
ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
Адрес:125362 г. Москва, ул. Водников, д. 2
+7 (926) 820-37-94Электронная почта: sytin@sytin.org

The husband began to read moods for healing the brain, heart, for stabilizing pressure

  • The husband began to read moods for healing the brain, heart, for stabilizing pressure
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At the age of about 40, I began to have serious health problems. She underwent a full examination, there were several diagnoses and all with a question mark. Treatment with pills caused a terrible allergy. I was looking for a way out of this situation.

In the 90s, I bought 2 books by G.N. Sytin "Divine healing rejuvenating moods" 1991, publishing house "Life-giving power" and "Life-giving power or help yourself" 1993. St. Petersburg.

I liked that the attunement healing method described in the books is harmless and can be used at home on its own. I realized that with words and thoughts a person sets a program of recovery and healing for himself. And the text of the program could only be written by "A Man from God", who was G.N. Sytin.

Healing mindsets have become my salvation. They also help my relatives and friends. The moods are very pleasant to read, they inspire hope, give peace of mind, relieve pain and ailments, strengthen a person physically and spiritually.

Even before retirement, my husband suffered a microstroke. After 1.5 months of medical therapy, the doctor said that until the end of his days, the husband should take medicines, pills and go to the hospital 2 times a year for drip injections.

My husband decided to follow my example and began to read moods: to heal the brain, heart, to stabilize pressure, etc.

Now my husband is 75 years old. All these years we live, Thank God, without injections and pills, we enjoy life, we work to the best of our ability.

G.N. Sytin gave us all a wonderful opportunity to live without disease.

Reading moods can be combined with any other types of treatment: herbal medicine, compresses, massage, etc.

For me, it is still like magic, like a miracle you read the mood, you find peace of mind, your mood improves, your health improves, you feel more cheerful, more energetic and younger.

Fomkina L.K.

Korenovsk, Krasnodar Territory

January 2019

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