DAILY FROM 10-00 TO 22-00
ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
Адрес:125362 г. Москва, ул. Водников, д. 2
+7 (926) 820-37-94Электронная почта: sytin@sytin.org

I began to use Sytin's moods in practice - I set myself up for harmony with the universe

  • I began to use Sytin's moods in practice - I set myself up for harmony with the universe
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Dear Georgy Nikolaevich!

Thank you so much for the moods, I met them back in the late eighties and early nineties (as they say now, “of the last century”).

First I saw a TV show, then I read one of your books and started using the attunements in practice (mainly during pregnancy). I tuned myself into harmony with the universe.

Then, for some time, all this was forgotten, but a positive attitude towards life has always remained with me.

What a joy it was to meet you and your books again. And what a surprise it was to see the dedication of Anastasia in the book, although this is quite natural!

You are doing your job!!!

Thank you from all the people who are interested in prolonging life, getting rid of diseases, improving the quality of their life (namely spiritual), and not measured by the number of cottages, cars and money.

After all, the main thing in life is to live in harmony with oneself, with God's help and be needed by people!

Thanks a lot.

About me: I am 42 years old, I look 30-35. Many people are surprised at my ability to work and call me an "electric broom".

I have an incredible almost 18 year old son. I read the settings every day.

To harmony with the entire Universe, Divine strengthening of the feeling of love, to immunity to all diseases.

My name is Marina. I work as a teacher-speech therapist in a kindergarten. I would like to know if you have used attitudes in your work with preschoolers.

With great respect,

Leonova Marina

July 17, 2009

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