Georgy Nikolayevich Sytin, the author of creative thoughts about health, is a man of unique destiny and unique gift, who managed to develop an effective method of healing and rejuvenating a person with the help of healing moods.
Disk Information:
Author: George Sytin
Disk language: Russian
1. Ритмы мозга (для женщин) - 11 мин.
слушать фрагмент настроя Сытина
2. Ритмы мозга (для мужчин) - 29 мин.
слушать фрагмент настроя Сытина
3. Свободное кровообращение сердца - 23 мин.
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We also recommend that you read the article «On an integrated approach to improving the body and effective work with moods» — see more