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Thoughts, strengthens the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system - Online book

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3. Revival of a healthy cervical spine (healing from spondylosis)

God told me: “I created you 3 days ago as a 16-year-old, perfectly healthy young man. I created your spine with an ideally correct internal structure. I gave you health, which is the strongest in the entire universe. This means that any disturbances in the physical body that may occur in life, no matter what diseases arise, you can always overcome them and fully restore your original health.

And all the disorders in the spine that may arise in the course of life, you can always eliminate and restore the ideally correct internal structure of all structures of the spine.”

And I, fulfilling the will of God, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour the life-giving Divine young life into all the structures of the spine. The young force of life, which completely, totally restores the God-created, ideally correct internal structure of all structures of the spine.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


5. Revival of a young spine, lower back

I pour from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos into the spine, into the lower back the holy Divine healing omnipotent spirit. The holy healing Divine omnipotent spirit filled the entire spine, filled the entire lower back.

The healing Divine omnipotent spirit completely-totally healed the spine, lower back, revived the spine, lower back as originally healthy, newborn-young, youthful.

I feel with the brightness of lightning: my spine is newborn-young, youthful, flexible and mobile. My lower back is flexible. The loin is light-light, absolutely weightless.

The entire spine is firmly calm. The entire loin of the newborn is firmly calm. The entire lower back is divinely healthy, created by God, newborn-young, youthful, ideally healthy structure.

With the brightness of lightning I feel: my lower back, healed by the Divine spirit, Divinely serviceable, Divinely healthy, flexible, mobile, heroically strong. With the brightness of lightning I feel, with the firmness of steel I know: the healing holy Divine omnipotent spirit completely, totally healed my entire spine, healed my entire lower back.

My lower back is Divinely healthy, light-light, absolutely weightless, completely calm through and through, heroically strong, absolutely tireless. I can lean in all directions for hours on end. The loin is absolutely tireless. Light-weightless, firmly calm, heroically strong, absolutely tireless.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


18. Knee joints young-energetic

God created me ... (name the date, month, year when your work on yourself began) as a 16-year-old boy. ... (name the date, month, year) I turned 17 of my youthful boyish years. And today ... (name the date, month, year). I live in this world as a 17-year-old beautiful young man ... (name the number of days, weeks or months that have passed since the day you started working on yourself).

I include knee joints in a young, vibrant 300 year life. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos pouring into my beloved knee joints a newborn-young, youthful 17-year-old healthy-energetic-joyful life. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos pouring into my beloved knees a newborn-young, healthy, joyful life. I am incorporating my beloved knee joints into a young vibrant 300 year old healthy happy joyful life.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos into all the cartilaginous tissues of the knee joints, into all the structures of the knee joints I pour all the energies of the development of the Universe, I pour in the giant titanic Divine newborn life force. I pour in the gigantic newborn energy of rapid development.

All structures of the knee joints flourish. And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into all the cartilaginous tissues of the knee joints, into all the cartilage cells of the knee joints, the gigantic Divine energy of reproduction, the energy of cell division, the energy of cell reproduction.

All cartilaginous cells of the knee joints are filled with a gigantic energy of division-reproduction, with a gigantic speed they divide-reproduce, divide-reproduce.

All cartilaginous tissues of the knee joints divinely revive, revive the newborn-young, 17-year-old youthful integrity.

Cartilaginous menisci with gigantic speed revive their newborn-young, 17-year-old large thickness, their indestructible strength.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


End of introduction

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