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Healing moods. Vigilante mentality, relieve stress and depression - Online book

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"Healing Attitudes" is a unique collection of the most popular and effective creative thoughts, created by Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin - a recognized scientist, whose phenomenal gift and knowledge made it possible to expand the boundaries of understanding of human capabilities and lay the scientific foundations of medicine of the future.

Sytin's healing moods aimed at: activating the body's forces; relieving stress, achieving calmness and harmony; overcoming bad habits; increased immunity; rejuvenation; healing from a number of diseases (heart, eyes, gastrointestinal tract and others).

The effectiveness of Sytin's tunes has been tested and proven by Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin's long-term practice. In confirmation of this, the records of grateful patients from the book of reviews of the Sytin medical salon are cited.

Table of contents

Publisher's Foreword

Author's introduction

Future Parenting Medicine

In the beginning there was ... an effort of will

Creative Healing Thoughts - A Totally New Method

Time is no longer a risk factor

Mood assimilation technique

Creative thoughts for all occasions

Chapter 1. New attitudes

1. Energy and power of life

2. Strive for complete restoration of heart health

3. Accelerate recovery

Chapter 2. Attitudes that activate work on oneself

4. With all the forces of my mind I believe in what I say about myself

5. Development of abilities to work on oneself

6. Development of abilities to work on oneself (for women)

7. Materializing assimilation of attitudes

8. Suppression of doubt

9. Suppression of doubt (for women)

10. I live in complete harmony with the entire universe

11. I live in complete harmony with the entire Universe (for women)

Chapter 3. Development of abilities

12. Development of learning abilities

13. Divine strengthening of the feeling of love

14. Divine strengthening of the feeling of love (for women)

15. Development of mental abilities

16. Strengthening volitional attention

17. Divine strengthening of will, sight and hearing, development of abilities and enrichment of the activity of the brain by including more and more nerve cells in its work

Chapter 4. Attitudes that eliminate the effects of stress

18. Introductory. Calmness

19. Introductory. Calm (for women)

20. Blissful calm

21. Blissful tranquility (for women)

22. To relieve stress

23. Deepest relaxation

24. Omnipotent Calm

25. Healthy sleep

Chapter 5. Revitalizing Moods

26. To protect health

27. Revitalization of the heart in complete harmony with the entire Universe

28. Enhancement of vision, improvement of eyes

29. Divine mechanisms of rejuvenation

30. Healing from gastritis

31. Against smoking

32. Anti-smoking (for women)

33. Overcoming alcoholism

34. Immunity to all diseases (for women)

35. The joy of the final victory over the disease

36. To overcome all manifestations of disease

37. Strengthening self-confidence in good health


Medical salon G.N. Sytin - selfless help for everyone

Book Information:

Author: Georgy Sytin

Publisher: IG "Ves"

ISBN: 978-5-9573-0703-7

E-book in PDF and EPUB formats.

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1. Energy and life force

I created you three days ago as a beautiful young man of sixteen. I have filled you with the great Divine young power of life. I have filled you with the great Divine energy of life.”

I am doing the will of God. From the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into myself the great Divine young force of life. I pour into myself the great Divine inexhaustible energy of life.

I become more energetic, stronger. Every moment I become more energetic, stronger, more energetic, stronger. Throughout the physical body, the gigantic inexhaustible energy of life is in full swing. In all structures of the physical body, the huge giant great Divine young life force is in full swing.

Every moment I become stronger, more energetic, stronger, more energetic. All muscles develop, increase in volume. The whole body becomes more and more muscular, more and more powerful.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


14. Divine amplification of feelings of love (for women)

I am firmly convinced that all thoughts about oneself with the help of the Almighty Lord God are naturally translated into reality as the truth. My thoughts about myself are naturally brought to life as truth.

And the ardently beloved Divine Mother pours into the brain mechanisms of love a gigantic Divine power, a gigantic energy of rapid development. The brain mechanisms of love are amplified millions of times. I love all God's light, the beautiful Divine land a million times more. With great Divine love I love the All-Merciful Divine Mother.

The dearly beloved Divine Mother intensifies my love, intensifies my love millions of times. With great Divine love I love all of God's light, the beautiful Divine land. I have a passionately loving young, cheerful, playful, joking soul. I have an ardently loving young cheerful soul. I look at the world with passionately loving eyes. Hotly in love with a young girl's heart. As a passionately in love girl, I look at the world with loving eyes. I have a passionately loving young, cheerful, playful, joking soul. I love the whole world, the beautiful Divine Nature with great Divine love.

As a passionately in love girl, I look at God's light with loving eyes. I have a passionately loving young, cheerful, playful, joking soul. I love my God-given husband with great Divine love. I love my children with great Divine love. I love with great Divine love all of God's light, the beautiful Divine earth. I ardently love the Divine beautiful Nature. I am overwhelmed with great Divine love for children, for parents. I passionately love all God's light, beautiful Nature.

I live Divinely free. I live Divinely free. I have a passionately loving young, cheerful, playful, joking soul.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


22. To relieve stress

The deepest relaxation, blissful relaxation flows into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain. The blissful relaxation goes deeper and deeper into all the nerve cells of the brain. Blissful relaxation continues to penetrate deeper and deeper into every nerve cell of the brain. Blissful relaxation continues to penetrate deeper and deeper into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain. The blissful calm goes deeper and deeper into the nerve cells. Blissful relaxation fills all the nerve cells of the brain through and through.

Pleasant newborn absolute silence flows into all the nerve cells of the brain. The whole brain is deeper and deeper filled with blissful relaxation. Blissful peace is deeper, deeper and deeper fills my head. The newborn absolute silence is getting deeper, filling all the nerve cells deeper and deeper. A newborn absolute silence, a very pleasant silence is getting deeper and deeper and fills the entire brain. Blissful deepest relaxation filled the brain through and through.

Absolute newborn silence filled my entire head. Blissful relaxation, blissful calm filled my head. The blissful relaxation becomes more and more stable, more and more stable, the blissful relaxation becomes more and more stable. Blissful relaxation fills my entire head. All day long, from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening, blissful relaxation fills my entire head. Throughout the night until morning, blissful relaxation fills my entire head. A blissful relaxation, the deepest relaxation fills my whole head. All day, all night, round the clock, the deepest blissful relaxation fills my head.

Absolute newborn silence fills my head through and through. All day long, all night long, a newborn absolute silence fills my head. Blissful relaxation becomes more and more stable, more and more durable. Blissful relaxation fills all my nerves, all my muscles, my whole body fills with blissful deepest relaxation. I am completely filled with blissful peace. I am completely filled with the deepest relaxation.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


End of introduction

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