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ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
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Immortality. Young people can live for thousands of years. Book 2 - Online book

Immortality. Young people can live for thousands of years. Book 2 - Online book

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Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is the only scientist who has proved that it is possible to get rid of the earthly inheritance of aging - dying and live a young, healthy, happy life in complete spiritual comfort, in complete health, in complete well-being for thousands of years.

Human possibilities are endless. Turning to the almighty God - the Father of the entire great Universe, with the help of healing thoughts, each person will be able to eliminate the disturbances in the body, restore health and bring the soul and physical body into full compliance with the information of God that he is immortal.

It is only necessary to assimilate the healing thoughts that are given in the finished form in the book, working hard on yourself.

The Healing Information chapter contains small healing thoughts that every reader can use to make a quick recovery and move quickly to a life free of aging.

Table of contents

Preface by the author

Thanksgiving letters

Thoughts heal the body: an interview with G.N. Sytin to the newspaper "Zavtra" on May 8, 2014

From the author

Psychological support teaching

The doctrine of spiritual matter

The doctrine of the possibility of human self-transformation

Self-education techniques

Technique for Mastering Healing Thoughts Successfully

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death for men and women

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death (for men)

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death (for women)

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death (for believing men)

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death (for women believers)


Chapter 1. I live under the protection of God

Immortality (for women)

Immortality (for men)

Almighty Divine Love

I live according to the program of fate, drawn up by God

Information for continuous assimilation

New life by the will of almighty God

New inheritance from God

New heredity in the entire musculoskeletal system

New heredity for men and women

New development

New age - 20 years

God's help to soul, brain and body

God's help to the brain

Overcoming aging

Life extension

I live under the protection of God (for women)

I live under the protection of God (for men)

Chapter 2. Human possibilities are endless

Endless possibilities (for women)

Endless possibilities (for men)

Rebirth of a young healthy physical body

I always remain in the form of a beautiful youth

Healing the lungs (for women)

Healing from prostate cancer

Healing the physical body

Improvement of internal organs

Helping DNA to restore health

Helping DNA to restore vision and hearing

Helping DNA to Rebuild Teeth

Helping DNA to Rebuild the Brain and Heart

Creation of a young, pristine working urinary system

Creation of a new young healthy spinal cord

Persistence of health

Destruction of all viruses and microbes, fungi and fungal spores

Strengthening DNA molecules (1st option)

Strengthening DNA molecules (2nd option)

Strengthening the center of will in the soul

Chapter 3. Healing Information

The ability to live long

Always in the form of a beautiful youth

Always in the form of a beautiful beauty

Nothing is impossible for the love of God

Healing rejuvenation

On the firmness of the stomach

New vitality

Improvement of the nervous system (for women)

Improvement of the nervous system (for men)

Memo to the girl

Completely healing information for pain in the area of ​​the heart

DNA assistance in fast walking and running

Helping DNA Promote Great Wellbeing

Helping the brain

Helping the heart

Bright Divine Joy of Life

Creation of a complete set of new teeth

Now you can live easily, fun, long (for women)

Now you can live a long, easy, fun life (for men)

Self-confidence (for women)

Self-confidence (for men)

In a hundred years I am a young 20 year old

I feel healthier a million times

I am the most merciful daughter of the most merciful God

I am the most merciful son of the most merciful God

I am a fine young man of tall stature

I can do everything!

I'm just starting to live: my whole joyful life is ahead

Center for psychological support G.N. Sytin - selfless help for everyone

Book Information:

Author: Georgy Sytin

Publisher: IG "Ves"

Format: 84x108 / 32, 256 pages

ISBN: 978-5-9573-2792-9

E-book in PDF and EPUB formats.

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