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ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
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Thoughts, healing of gynecological diseases - Online book

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Sytin's healing moods will help get rid of various diseases of the female reproductive system, infertility, neoplasms in the uterus and mammary glands, restore a healthy menstrual cycle and return a full sex life.

Georgy Sytin supplemented the second edition of the book with highly effective moods from the new series "Healing from Old Age", the action of which is aimed at slowing down the aging process - the main reason for the weakening and disease of the reproductive system in women.

Sixty years of successful medical practice using the method of creative thoughts, as well as Georgy Sytin's own experience in healing and rejuvenation are the best confirmation of the high efficiency and far-reaching prospects of educational medicine. Its basis and main principles are the ability of a person to educate himself, to develop volitional qualities in himself, with the help of which it is possible to improve and rejuvenate his own body.

Table of contents


A word to patients and those who have been healed ...

From the author

Educational medicine

Wellness-rejuvenation with healing attitudes - a fundamentally new method

Self-education techniques

The method of successful assimilation of moods

Time is no longer a risk factor

How creative thoughts heal

Creative thoughts heal gynecological diseases

Chapter 1. Accelerating recovery. Slow down aging

1. Energy

2. Energy and power of life

3. Accelerate recovery

4. I slow down aging

5. I inherited health, longevity, constant development

6. Activation of the endocrine system

Chapter 2. Ovarian health

7. Healing from inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis)

8. Healing the ovaries from polycystic disease

9. Divine healing from ovarian hypofunction

10. Divine healing from infertility

Chapter 3. Healing from diseases of the uterus

11. Divine healing of the uterus

12. Total renewal of the uterus

13. Healing from cervical erosion (express mood for rewriting)

14. Healing from a polyp of the cervix (express mood for rewriting)

15. Healing from inflammation and polyp of the cervical canal (express mood for rewriting)

16. Healing from inflammation of the uterus (endometritis)

17. Divine healing from uterine fibroids

18. Healing from a polyp of the uterus (express mood for rewriting)

19. Healing the uterus from hyperplasia

20. Healing from endometriosis

21. Divine attitude to completely stop uterine bleeding (express attitude)

Chapter 4. Improvement of menstruation

22. Divine healing of menstruation from all pathologies

23. Divine attitude to complete pain relief of menstruation

Chapter 5. Improvement of the mammary glands

24. Divine Breast Health

25. Divine healing from mastopathy

26. Healing of the mammary gland from neoplasms. Lasting calm

27. Divine revival of ideally correct control of the nervous system by the structure of the mammary gland with inverted nipple

Chapter 6. Strengthening the reproductive system. Improvement of the whole organism

28. Strengthening the reproductive system

29. Divine Healing from Frigidity

Medical salon G.N. Sytin - selfless help for everyone

Book Information:

Author: Georgy Sytin

Publisher: IG "Ves"

ISBN: 978-5-9573-0988-8

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I'm trying my best to hasten my recovery, I'm trying my best to hasten my recovery. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos pouring into my physical body the great Divine young force of life. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos pouring silver healing Divine light into my entire physical body brighter than the sun. The healing Divine light fills the entire physical body, heals the entire physical body. It gives birth anew to the physical body - young, girlish, 16 years old, Divinely healthy, untouched, untouched physical body.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring holy Divine steel into all nerves. All nerves are strong-steel, staunchly healthy. The whole physical body is filled with Divine, very pleasant healthy comfort.

I am trying my best to hasten a general, total recovery. I am trying with all my might as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible, to completely, totally restore my, God-given to me, primordial indestructible health.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.



I, a mighty, gigantic strong spirit, am now amplifying the immune system millions of times. I command a million times strengthened immune system to constantly revive the 16-year-old youthful structure of the ovaries with gigantic energy. I, a mighty, gigantic strong spirit, am now amplifying the immune system millions of times. I command the immune system to dissolve the cysts on the ovaries, resurrect the 16-year-old young girlish structure of the ovaries.

I, a mighty, gigantically strong spirit, command the blood vessels that supply the ovarian cysts to close tightly, to shrink, not to let a single molecule of nutrition into the cysts. I, a mighty, gigantically strong spirit, command the blood vessels that supply the ovarian cysts with food to immediately close tightly, shrink, not let a single molecule of nutrition into the ovarian cysts. I, a mighty, gigantically strong spirit, command the blood vessels that supply the ovarian cysts with food to immediately close tightly, shrink, not let a single molecule of nutrition into the ovarian cysts.

I, a mighty, gigantically strong spirit, have now completely bled the cysts on the ovaries, cut off the supply of food to the cysts on the ovaries. I, a mighty, gigantically strong spirit, have now deprived the cysts on the ovaries of all sources of existence. Cysts on the ovaries, deprived of all sources of life, wither, die, decrease until they disappear completely. Cysts on the ovaries disappear without a trace forever. The ovaries are now forever reviving their young 16-year-old, God-created healthy girlish structure. I, a mighty, gigantically strong spirit, have now turned the cysts on the ovaries into atomic dust, scattered it in the space of the Universe.

There are no and never will be any neoplasms on the ovaries. I, a mighty, gigantically strong cheerful spirit, have now revived the young 16-year-old girlish divinely healthy cheerful ovaries.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.



The Lord God pours holy Divine healing into the womb. The Lord God pours the Divine holy fortress into the womb. The divine fortress fills the womb completely, completely through and through without a trace. The uterus grows stronger, quickly grows stronger, the uterus grows stronger. A stronger, stronger, invincibly strong little young maiden womb is born.

All the blood vessels in the whole womb are constricted through and through, forever, for all time, constricted, tightly closed forever, for all time. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. The uterus grows stronger and stronger, a small, indestructibly strong maiden uterus is born. All the blood vessels in the entire womb are constricted, forever, forever constricted, forever, forever tightly closed. The blood vessels in the entire uterus are closed forever, for all time.

The Lord God pours a steel fortress into the nerves of the uterus. The Lord God pours a steel fortress, a steel fortress, into the nerves of the uterus in a continuous round-the-clock stream. In a continuous stream, the steel fortress flows into the nerves of the uterus. Healthy, strengthened nerves. Day and night, around the clock get healthy, get stronger nerves. The uterus is born more and more strong, more and more strong. The uterus is born stronger and stronger. The uterus is rapidly decreasing in size, becoming smaller and smaller. A small, indestructibly strong maiden uterus is born. A small, indestructibly strong maiden uterus is born.

The Lord God pours into the womb in a continuous round-the-clock stream, into the uterus in a continuous round-the-clock stream pours Divine invincible calmness. Divine indestructible healthy calm fills the womb through and through without a trace. An indestructibly calm, Divinely calm maiden womb is born. Healthy nerves are firmly calm. Strongly calm healthy nerves. Healthy nerves are indestructibly calm. Healthy nerves are divinely calm. A healthy uterus is divinely invincibly calm.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


End of introduction

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