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Thoughts, healing the digestive system - Online book

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1. Speed ​​up recovery

I'm trying my best to hasten my recovery, I'm trying my best to hasten my recovery. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos pouring into my physical body the great Divine young force of life.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos pouring silver healing Divine light into my entire physical body brighter than the sun. The healing Divine light fills the entire physical body, heals the entire physical body. It gives birth to the physical body anew - a young, youthful, 16-year-old, Divinely healthy, untouched, untouched physical body.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring holy Divine steel into all nerves. All nerves are strong-steel, staunchly healthy. The whole physical body is filled with Divine, very pleasant healthy comfort.

I am trying my best to hasten a general, total recovery. I am trying with all my might as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible, to completely, totally restore my, God-given to me, primordial indestructible health.

I am trying my best to hasten the recovery of my soul. I pour into my soul the great Divine youthful force of life. I pour into my soul from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos brighter than the sun, the healing Divine light. The whole soul is brighter than the sun. The whole body is filled with Divine healing light. The whole soul is Divinely healed, Divinely healthy, young. The whole soul is filled with eternally new bright Divine joy. A cheerful light shines brightly in my eyes. The whole soul sings from happiness, from the joy of life.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


8. Newborn wholeness of the digestive system

The Lord God Almighty charged my Divine hereditary mechanisms with the eternal total revival of the newborn-young structure of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, and the entire digestive system. My Divine hereditary mechanisms fulfill the will of God — with a grandiose, titanic Divine energy, they totally revive the newborn-young integrity, the newborn-youthful structure of all living cells, all living tissues, all structures of the stomach, intestines. All living cells, all living tissues, all structures of the stomach, intestines are constantly-infinitely totally reviving, endlessly reviving, comprehensively improving the newborn-young 16-year-old boyish structure of all living cells, all living tissues, all structures of the stomach, intestines. All living tissues of the stomach, intestines are constantly totally reviving their newborn wholeness, their newborn wholeness, their newborn-young 16-year-old boyish Divine healthy structure.

The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system, with the brightness of lightning, remembers the newborn integrity of all living tissues, all structures of the stomach and intestines. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system, with enormous, grandiose physiological energy, totally revives, endlessly revives the newborn wholeness, the newborn-young 16-year-old boyish structure of the stomach and intestines.

The Lord God charged my Divine hereditary mechanisms with the eternal total revival of the newborn-young structure of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system. My Divine hereditary mechanisms fulfill the will of God — with a grandiose, titanic Divine energy, they totally revive the newborn wholeness, the newborn-young 16-year-old structure of all the billions of nerve cells of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system. All billions of nerve cells, the entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system constantly-infinitely totally revives its newborn-youthful Divine serviceability, its newborn-youthful structure, which has titanic physiological strength.

The titanic Divine power flows into all the nerves in the digestive system in a constant, eternal stream, the holy Divine fortress flows, the holy Divine steel flows. In the entire digestive system, they get healthier, stronger, and nerves strengthen. In the entire digestive system, steel-healthy-strong nerves, steel-healthy intact nerves. Into all the nerves of the stomach, pancreas, the titanic Divine power flows in a constant, eternal stream, the holy Divine fortress flows, the holy Divine steel flows. In the stomach, in the pancreas, they get healthier, get stronger, get healthier, get stronger, nerves strengthen. In the stomach, in the pancreas, steel-healthy, steel-healthy-strong nerves.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


11. Divine healing of the digestive system (for women)

The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system is eternally continuous, every moment divinely reviving its newborn-young structure, its gigantic energy, its titanic steadfastness of full-fledged work. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system includes the neuro-cerebral centers in the brain-spinal cord and all the nerves coming from these centers to the entire digestive system. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system is continuously strengthened, Divinely reviving its gigantic energetic, titanicly stable full-fledged work. In all organs of the digestive system, they get healthier, stronger, and nerves strengthen.

All billions of nerve cells of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system with the brightness of lightning remember the Divinely healthy, God-created newborn-young structure of the entire digestive system, all its organs. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system with a grandiose, titanic Divine energy constantly revives the newborn integrity of all living tissues, all organs of the digestive system. All living tissues, all structures of the digestive system constantly and forever every moment Divinely revive, Divinely revive their newborn wholeness. I try with all my might with all the powers of my mind to believe in the constant-continuous eternal rebirth of the newborn wholeness of the entire digestive system, all its structures, all its living tissues.

All billions of nerve cells of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system constantly remember with the brightness of lightning the newborn integrity of the entire digestive system, with gigantic energy they divinely revive, every moment with gigantic energy they divinely revive the newborn integrity of all the internal organs of the digestive system, constantly revive the newborn integrity of all its structures, all living tissues.

The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the digestive system is constantly, continuously, every moment reviving its newborn-young structure, which has titanic Divine power. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus is constantly reviving its newborn-young gigantically energetic, titanicly stable work. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus is constantly reviving its newborn-young full-fledged, Divinely healthy work. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus is physiologically divinely strengthened. In the entire digestive system, they get healthier, stronger, and nerves strengthen.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


End of introduction

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