DAILY FROM 10-00 TO 22-00
ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
Адрес:125362 г. Москва, ул. Водников, д. 2
+7 (926) 820-37-94Электронная почта: sytin@sytin.org

Divine healing from cataract eye. Improvement of eyes. Divine revival of the young eyes - Online Disc

Divine healing from cataract eye. Improvement of eyes. Divine revival of the young eyes - Online Disc

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Sytin's attitude, which allows you to restore your eyesight, improve your eyes and optic nerves. 

It is recommended when: 

  • cataracts,
  • glaucoma,
  • retinitis,
  • retinopathy,
  • angiopathy,
  • retinal dystrophy, 
  • conjunctivitis. 

The composition of the kit, audio recordings of the mood: 

1. Divine healing of cataracts - 20 min. 

2. Eye health improvement - 11 min.

3. Divine rebirth of young vision - 7 min.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin, the author of creative thoughts about health, is a man of unique destiny and unique gift, who managed to develop an effective method of improving and rejuvenating a person with the help of healing moods.

The author reads

Sytin's settings can be downloaded in mp3 format.

Download Sytin's audio settings to your computer or phone and immediately start mastering the moods!

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1. Божественное исцеление от катаракты - 20 мин. 

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2. Оздоровление глаз - 11 мин.

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3. Божественное возрождение молодого зрения - 7 мин.

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