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Thoughts that enhance sight, sound and performance - Online book

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5. Protection of the vision apparatus

Lord, help me heal my head. Lord, I pray You, help me, help me create a protective zone of the occipital lobes of the brain. Lord, help me create a protective zone, a protective zone of the visual apparatus, the entire visual apparatus. Lord, I pray you, help me create protection for the entire apparatus of vision.

Help me, Lord, to protect, protect the occipital lobes of the brain, eyes. Lord, help me protect the occipital lobes of the brain, the eyes, the entire apparatus of vision, the entire apparatus of visual representations. Lord, help me protect the entire apparatus of vision, help me create a reliable security zone, help me create a reliable zone of protection for the entire apparatus of vision.

I need to protect the occipital lobes of the brain, the optic nerves, the eyes, the entire visual apparatus. It is necessary to create a protective inhibition zone, the zone of protective inhibition must be strengthened. Lord, help me restore the newborn, newborn inhibition zone, the zone of protection of the occipital lobes of the brain, optic nerves, eyes.

Help me protect the entire visual apparatus. Help me to create a protective zone around the visual apparatus so that the entire visual apparatus can work completely independently under the reliable protection of the zone of inhibition. I need to strengthen the zone of inhibition, increase the zone of inhibition, strengthen the zone of inhibition.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


9. Cataract healing

Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the eyes, blood flows in a free wide stream. Blood carries to all eye cells, all eye tissues, all eye structures excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. All blood vessels of the occipital lobes of the brain, all arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the occipital lobes of the brain are all the time dilated, free, all the time Divinely dilated along their entire length. The blood supply of the occipital lobes of the brain is divinely free, wide. All nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones, which constantly revive the 18-year-old young structure of all nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain.

A gigantic Divine power flows into the optic nerves. The optic nerves get healthier, get stronger, intensify, are born strong, strong, titanic resistant. All eye cells, including retinal cells, are constantly-continuously renewed, regenerated, obeying the conviction of the soul. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the eyes are constantly-continuously, always Divinely expanded along their entire length, always Divinely free. The blood supply to the eyes is always Divinely free, wide. Blood carries all cells with good nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly activate regeneration, renewal of all retinal cells, all eye cells. The eyes are constantly-continuously renewed, constantly reviving their 18-year-old youthful structure. The entire anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral apparatus of vision is 18 years old, young, gigantically energetic.

In my soul - a gigantic, titanic all-conquering Divine power - the conviction that my vision is now 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, aquiline. In my soul is the constant stability of thoughts about the continuous renewal of all cells of the anatomical and physiological neuro-brain apparatus of vision. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the eternally young 18-year-old gigantic strong, sharp eagle vision. My gigantically, titanicly strong spirit, my young Divine, angelic soul knows with the brightness of lightning that my eyesight is eternally young, 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, aquiline.

In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that the cells of the retina of the eyes are constantly regenerating and renewing. The retina of the eyes is constantly updated, constantly reviving its 18-year-old divinely healthy structure.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


10 Hearing enhancement

The Lord God in a continuous round-the-clock stream pours into me a gigantic Divine life force, a gigantic energy of rapid development. All my abilities are developing rapidly, vigorously, my vision is rapidly increasing, my hearing is becoming sharper and stronger.

Into all the brain mechanisms of hearing, the Lord God in a continuous stream pours the gigantic Divine life force, the gigantic Divine life energy of rapid, rapid development. The brain mechanisms of hearing are amplified millions of times. With gigantic speed aggravates-intensifies hearing. A steel fortress flows into the auditory nerves, a steel fortress flows into the auditory nerves. Divinely serviceable, ideally serviceable auditory nerves are born.

The Lord God pours the life-giving divine newborn life into the hearing organs in a continuous stream. The newborn life completely fills the organs of hearing. The life-giving Divine newborn life again gives birth to the organs of hearing newborn-serviceable, newborn-fresh. With gigantic speed, the organs of hearing are born of a Divinely correct internal structure. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. With gigantic speed, in an instant, the hearing organs are again born newborn-serviceable, Divinely correct internal structure. A steel fortress, a steel fortress, is pouring into the auditory nerves, the auditory nerves are getting healthier and stronger. In the entire area of ​​​​the hearing organs, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger.

The Lord God pours holy divine healing into the organs of hearing in a continuous stream. All-rejuvenating-all-reviving holy Divine healing fills the organs of hearing. Holy Divine healing with gigantic speed re-emerges the organs of hearing with Divine serviceability, Divinely correct internal structure. The hearing organs are again born newborn-fresh, newborn-healthy, absolutely healthy.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


End of introduction

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