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Always a healthy nervous system. Volume 3

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How to maintain a healthy nervous system in our time, when a person is constantly exposed to stress and aggression? This topic is gaining more and more relevance, because the nervous system determines human health, so it is so important to help it with various disorders.

The third volume of the book "Always a Healthy Nervous System. Healing Medicine" offers creative ideas for healing the rejuvenation of the entire nervous system, as well as the peripheral nervous system. Much attention is paid to healthy sleep, its continuous improvement, well-being. A separate chapter is devoted to the healing of the nerves of the trunk, healing from sciatica and sciatica.

To accelerate the recovery of rejuvenation, a person must constantly think of himself as young and healthy. These thoughts must be taken into your consciousness and made your own - this is what every reader should strive for from himself. They are presented in finished form in the books of G.N. Sytin. Use them and stay healthy and young!

Table of contents

Letter from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAMS)

Letter from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health of Russia)

Letter from the Parliamentary Center "Integrated Security of the Fatherland"

Chapter 5. Improvement of the peripheral nervous system

63. Improvement of the nerves of the trunk

64. Against sciatica

65. Against sciatica and sciatica

66. Improvement of the operating field (for women)

Chapter 6. Improvement of the entire nervous system

67. Activation of the brain and the entire nervous system

68. Hereditary mechanisms revive a healthy nervous system

69. Revival of a healthy structure, full-fledged biochemical composition, correct functioning of the nervous system

70. Strengthening the nervous system and heart

71. Improvement of the nervous system and heart

72. Improvement of the nervous system and heart (for women)

73. Divine healing of the nervous system, blood circulation of the head, neck, whole body (for women)

74. Improvement of the nervous system (for a girl)

75. Divine birth of a healthy nervous system (for women)

76. A powerful nervous system is born (for women)

77. Stability of the nervous system (for women)

78. On the stability of the nervous system (1st option)

79. On the stability of the nervous system (2nd option)

80. Healthy sleep

81. Healthy sleep (2nd option)

82. Healthy sleep (for women)

83. Youthful Dream

84. Continuous improvement of night sleep (express mood for rewriting)

85. I know: the nervous system is healthy

86. I know I feel good

Chapter 7. Rejuvenation of the nervous system

87. Strengthening-rejuvenation of the brain

88. The nervous system revives a healthy youthful structure of all nerve cells (for women)

89. Divine revival of the young structure of the nervous system

90. Total rejuvenation of the nervous system

91. I program rejuvenation of the soul, head for 5 months, for 5 years

92. Divine rejuvenation of the soul, head (for women)

Medical salon G.N. Sytin - selfless help for everyone

Book Information:

Author: Georgy Sytin

Publisher: IG "Ves"

ISBN: 978-5-9573-2767-7

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