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ИП Сытин Олег Георгиевич
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Healing sessions conducted by academician GN Sytin Book 2 - Online book

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The readers have a unique opportunity to use the healing sessions in their lives, which academician G.N. Sytin conducts at the Center for psychological support at the reception of patients. This is already the second book of attitudes, with the help of which the author has healed seriously ill people from oncological diseases of the digestive system, prostate gland, respiratory organs, brain, etc.

G.N. Sytin created specific opportunities to overcome aging and revive youth. The book pays special attention to revitalizing life, attracting inexhaustible youthful energy and bright joy. To enhance the healing effect, the author in many cases turns to the help of God.

Table of contents

From the author

Teaching about Divine Self-Transformation. I create an immortal physical body

The Law of the Universe on Spiritual Matter

Psychological support teaching

Self-education techniques

The method of successful assimilation of moods

Memo for the one who creates eternal youth

Healing attitudes

Part I. Healing from cancer

Chapter 1. Healing the prostate gland

The adenoma disappears completely

Getting rid of adenoma

Healing from prostate cancer

Destruction of adenoma

Destruction of all cancer cells in the pelvic area

Destruction of cancer cells in the prostate gland

Chapter 2. Healing the organs of the digestive system

Healing the liver from cancer

Destruction of cancer cells in the liver

Destruction of all cysts (kidney, liver)

Destruction of cancer cells in the stomach and entire chest

Destruction of cancer cells in the liver

Destruction of cancer cells in other internal organs

Chapter 3. Healing the Whole Physical Body

All cancer cells in the body are destroyed

Healing the whole body from cancer

There is not a single cancer cell in the body

The formation of new cancer cells in the body is impossible

Cleansing the entire physical body of cancer cells

Complete healing from cancer of the entire physical body

Destruction of all cancer cells throughout the body

Destruction of neoplasms in the physical body

Destruction of cancer cells throughout the body

Chapter 4. Healing from other cancers

Healing from lung cancer

Healing the female body from cancer

Healing the brain from cancer

Healing from Right Lung Cancer

Destruction of all neoplasms in the female body

Destruction of neoplasms in the brain and spinal cord

Destruction of cancer cells in the left breast

Destruction of cancer cells in the respiratory system

Part II. Healing from various diseases

Chapter 1. Healing from a viral infection

Protection of the body against various infections

Healing from all infections

Cleansing the physical body from viruses and harmful microbes

Destruction of all viruses

Chapter 2. Healing teeth

Revival of tooth enamel

General dental health

Chapter 3. Healing from various diseases

Revitalizing young hair

Rebirth of neonatal whole lung tissue

All lymph nodes in the newborn are healthy

Healing the neuromuscular system

Healing from lymphocytic leukemia

Enormous masculine strength

Healthier hair

Total revival of all kidney structures

Part III. General health-rejuvenation

Chapter 1. Improvement of the whole organism

Healing with Divine Silvery Sunlight

Complete suppression of the harmful influence of people

Full health recovery

Complete healing of the whole organism

Complete healing of soul and body

Strengthening resilience in life

Chapter 2. Overcoming aging

Revitalizing life

Actively overcoming aging

Divine protection

Stop aging completely

Chapter 3. General rejuvenation

Rebirth of youthful life force

Revival of youth

Giant energy of life

Giant energy of embryonic development

I'm getting younger every moment

Young heroic force of life

Young energy of life

Inexhaustible youthful energy

Indomitable rapid rejuvenation

Constant energy gain

Creation of eternal youth

Chapter 4. Joy of life

The all-conquering joy of life

Joyful life

Bright Divine Joy

Strengthening the personality

Embryonic development throughout the physical body

I live by the law of eternal development

I am the happiest person on earth

Center for psychological support G.N. Sytin - selfless help for everyone

Book Information:

Author: Georgy Sytin

Publisher: IG "Ves"

ISBN: 978-5-9573-2493-5

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