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Thoughts enhancing the endocrine system - Online book

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Divine Empowerment of the Endocrine System

I have a firm, unshakable intention to be a newborn young, in the prime of youth, and in 30 years, and in 100 years, and in 300 years, and beyond. I am constantly strengthening my intention. I make it more and more solid, more and more powerful. My intention to be in the prime of my youth and after 30 years, and after 300 years, and further subjugates all thoughts, all feelings, all sensations, all my life.

I try to constantly strengthen the physiological mechanisms of intention. I pour into the physiological mechanisms of intention a gigantic Divine physiological force. I make the brain mechanisms of intention strongest in the brain-spinal cord.

The physiological mechanisms of intention subdue all physiological processes in the nervous system, adjust the entire work of the nervous system. And the nervous system totally heals, rejuvenates my whole body, brings my body into full compliance with my intention to be a newborn-young, in the prime of life and after 30 years, and after 300 years, and beyond.

Into all the brain centers that control the endocrine glands, that is, those that control the entire endocrine system, I pour in a constant, round-the-clock, year-round flow of gigantic Divine power.

I am constantly pouring into all the brain centers that control the endocrine system a gigantic, titanic Divine physiological power. I continuously strengthen the control of the nervous system, all the endocrine glands.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


Divine healing of the pancreas

I try to create in my soul a vivid and stable image of a Divinely healthy, energetic pancreas. I fully understood that if I manage to create such an image in my soul, then no disease will be able to cling to the pancreas. I try my best to visualize the pancreas as vividly, distinctly as possible, completely reborn, newborn-whole 16-year-old healthy, physiologically strong, untouched by life.

Into all living tissues, into all structures of the pancreas, I try to pour in a constant stream of gigantic, titanic Divine physiological power. I do my best to pour the life-giving Divine youth into all living tissues, into all structures of the pancreas with a constant, continuous stream. The life-giving Divine youth flows in a continuous stream into all living tissues of the pancreas. She gives birth to all living tissues of the pancreas anew as newborn-young, healthy, newborn-young, God-created Divinely healthy structure.

Into all living tissues, into all the cells of the pancreas, I pour in a constant stream of newly born newborn life, which has a titanic life force, an all-overcoming, all-conquering life force. The newly born newborn life flows into all living cells, into all living tissues of the pancreas in a constant stream and continuously revives the newborn wholeness of all cells, all tissues of the pancreas.

All cells, all tissues of the pancreas revive their newborn wholeness, revive their newborn-young 16-year-old structure. The pancreas continuously, day and night, with gigantic speed, revives and revives its newborn wholeness, revives its newborn-young 16-year-old God-created healthy structure.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


Against diabetes

The energy of life, the energy of life flows into the pancreas. The pancreas merrily and joyfully comes to life, merrily and joyfully comes to life. Newborn life gives birth to a full-blooded joyful life of the pancreas. The pancreas lives energetically cheerfully, energetically cheerfully, energetically joyfully. The pancreas cheerfully and joyfully comes to life, comes to life. Enormous energy flows into the pancreas.

Newborn life now-now gives birth to a newborn-serviceable, ideally serviceable, energetic-strong, energetic-strong pancreas, washes out all salts, all slags, all metabolic products from it. The pancreas, all through, all through, is being born newborn-clean, newborn-fresh, newborn-fresh.

Enormous life energy pours into the pancreas. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically. The stomach works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. An energetic-strong healthy stomach, an energetic-strong healthy stomach is born. An energetic-strong pancreas is born. The pancreas is born energetic-strong, energetic-strong.

The pancreas performs all its functions in the body perfectly correctly, ideally correctly. The whole organism lives a healthy, healthy, ideally healthy life. The pancreas performs all its functions in the body perfectly correctly, ideally correctly.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


End of introduction

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