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The life-giving power. book 1

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The book contains Sytin's moods for overcoming neurasthenia, for the stability of the nervous system, for the removal of facial tics, for recovery after a stroke, etc.

With the help of creative thoughts, each person can get rid of the most severe ailments, resist age-related changes, and prolong their life. This book contains highly effective moods for overcoming neurasthenia, for the stability of the nervous system, for the removal of facial tics, for recovery after a stroke, etc.

Sytin's healing moods will help you strengthen your health, restore vitality, and give you energy to look to the future with optimism. A description of the basic principles of educational medicine and the author's recommendations for the successful assimilation of healing attitudes will help to achieve the best results when working with the book.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is a world-renowned scientist, academician, creator of spiritual - educational medicine, the possibilities of which are almost limitless.

Table of contents

Publisher's Foreword

From the author

Educational medicine

Self-education techniques

The method of successful assimilation of moods

Healing attitudes

1. On the stability of the nervous system (1st option)

2. On the stability of the nervous system (2nd option)

3. For healthy sleep (1st option)

4. For healthy sleep (2nd option)

5. To overcome neurasthenia

6. For sustainability in life

7. For a healthy lifestyle

8. To improve the head

9. To remove the left-sided facial tic

10. For recovery after a stroke

11. For recovery in schizophrenia

12. For recovery from obsessive hypochondria

13. For bold speech behavior

14. Against stuttering

15. For long-term female beauty (1st option)

16. For long-term female beauty (2nd option)

17. On female tenderness

18. For long-term male beauty

19. From impotence

20. On male power

Medical salon G.N. Sytin - selfless help for everyone

Book Information:

Author: Georgy Sytin

Publisher: IG "Ves"

Format: 84x108 / 32, 256 pages

ISBN: 978-5-9573-1983-2

E-book in PDF and EPUB formats.

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1. On the stability of the nervous system (1st option)

The energy resources of the brain-spinal cord are constantly increasing. The brain-spinal cord works more and more steadily. Every day my cheerful cheerful mood and my excellent state of health become more and more stable. Every day my cheerful mood becomes more and more stable. Through all the difficulties, through any troubles, I unshakably maintain a cheerful cheerful mood and excellent health. In life, I become a more and more stable person, and all the opposing forces of life are absolutely powerless against me.

Through any strenuous mental and physical work, I remain firmly calm, and all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm. I try to present as clearly as possible what is at stake. Through long, intense physical work, I unshakably maintain a lasting calmness. Through prolonged physical exertion, I remain unshakably calm. With prolonged physical stress, all the nerves and muscles throughout the body are stably healthy, firmly calm. Young, young nerves are healthy, firmly calm. All nerves throughout the body are firmly calm. In life I am unshakably calm, in life I am always unshakably calm. My spiritual strength is getting stronger, my nerves are getting healthier. Nerves strong-steel, heart healthy-heroic. I have great physical stamina. I can do the hardest physical work for hours on end and still unshakably maintain a lasting calmness. During prolonged hard physical work, all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm, and I myself am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake.

I will now try to completely suppress absolutely all my doubts that now, with every second, every moment, the stability of the nervous system is increasing, and I am becoming an increasingly stable person in life. All nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord are accumulating energy faster and faster, increasing their energy reserves. The brain-spinal cord is increasing its energy reserves faster and faster. With every moment, the stability of the nervous system increases, the nerves get healthier and stronger. All the nerves and muscles in the whole body become more and more firmly calm. And while holding the stretched rubber, all the nerves and muscles are firmly calm. When holding the stretched rubber, I myself am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake. And with prolonged extremely high physical stress, I maintain lasting calmness. I try to understand as deeply as possible what is at stake. With prolonged extremely high physical stress, all nerves and muscles are firmly calm. With prolonged extremely high physical stress, I am firmly calm, absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake. My spiritual forces are getting stronger, my nerves are getting healthier, all my nerves and muscles are becoming more and more firmly calm. With prolonged extremely high physical stress, all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm, with extremely high prolonged physical stress, I am firmly calm, absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake. Young, young nerves are steadily healthy, firmly calm. Throughout the body, young, young nerves and muscles are stably healthy, firmly calm. Throughout the body, young, young nerves and muscles are stably healthy, firmly calm. The healthiest, strongest nerves are in the head region, the healthiest, strongest nerves are in the head region, the healthiest, strongest nerves are in the head region. The eyes are healthy and calm. Young beautiful eyes, healthy calm. Young eyes are strong-willed smart. Young eyes are smart strong-willed, strong-willed smart young eyes. Eyes are radiant. The eyes are healthy and calm. Young eyes are healthy and calm. All the nerves in the head are steadily healthy, firmly calm. The young nerves in the region of the head are steadily healthy, firmly calm. The healthiest, strongest nerves are in the head.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


5. To overcome neurasthenia

The newly born new-new healthy-newborn life flows into the brain-spinal cord, into all my nerves. The newly born new-new healthy-newborn life flows into my entire young nervous system, flows into the brain, into all my nerves. A new healthy, newborn life is pouring into my entire nervous system.

A newborn force fills my entire nervous system. Newborn-newborn strength, strength, newborn strength fills the brain-spinal cord, my entire nervous system. My entire nervous system is filled with strength, newborn strength. Newborn power fills the brain-spinal cord, all my nerves. My entire nervous system is filled with a newborn force. Strength, newborn strength, strength, mighty indestructible newborn strength, newborn strength fills my entire young nervous system.

With every second, a new healthy force is born in my nervous system. With every second, a new healthy force is born in my nervous system. With every second my nervous system becomes stronger. With every second the brain-spinal cord becomes stronger, with every second the brain-spinal cord becomes stronger.

Mighty indestructible newborn strength, strength, newborn strength fills the brain-spinal cord, all my nerves.

With every second, the reserve force of the nervous system increases, increases, with every second the reserve force of the nervous system increases, increases.

The nervous system continues to ideally correctly manage the work of all internal organs, continues to perfectly correctly manage the life of my young healthy body in spite of all the harmful influences of the external environment. With every second my nervous system becomes stronger. Every second a new healthy force is born in the brain-spinal cord. The brain-spinal cord increases its reserve reserve force. The brain-spinal cord becomes stronger every second. With every second, the reserve-reserve strength of the brain-spinal cord increases.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


6. Sustainability in life

I constantly, in the most persistent way, assimilate the mood for a long, cheerful, energetic young life, for bold behavior, and thereby create for myself a constant powerful support.

I am a brave man, firmly self-confident, I dare everything, I can do everything and I am not afraid of anything. I know for sure that if all the difficulties fall on me at once unexpectedly, they will still not crush my mighty will. And therefore I look the world in the face, fearing nothing, and in the midst of all worldly hurricanes and storms, I stand unshakably like a rock against which everything is crushed.

All paths have opened before me, all roads to a long, energetic, cheerful young life, and this fills my whole being with the joy of life. I am all filled with the sunny joy of life, spring always blooms in me, spring blooms, an inextinguishable cheerful light always burns in my eyes, on my face there is always a cheerful spring bright smile. Throughout the body, a huge force is in full swing, all internal organs work energetically and cheerfully. My gait is merry, merry-quick;

Every day I become happier and more cheerful. My cheerful, cheerful mood is becoming more and more durable. An irresistible steel will shines in my eyes, and this unbending will is felt in me by all the people who come into contact with me.

The triumphant strength of youth, the delight of victory shine in my eyes, the triumph of indestructible good health shines in my eyes. Shining youthful eyes.

I have now been born into a long-term, vigorously developing young man. I tune in to the development of all my abilities now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years. My thinking is getting more and more energetic. An energetic, energetic, lightning-fast thinking is born, a bright, strong young memory is born. All my abilities are developing vigorously. Carefree, cloudless youth shines in my eyes, an unquenchable cheerful light always burns in my eyes.


The full text of the mood is available in the full version of the book after payment.


End of introduction

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