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Healing thoughts for all diseases of old age and death

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Sytin's healing moods can revive a healthy brain, a strong young heart, a young digestive system, and improve the genitourinary system. A separate chapter is devoted to the addition of vitality and energy.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin has long been dealing with the problem of a long life without aging. For the first time, he received scientifically substantiated proof that one can heal from diseases, free oneself from the earthly inheritance of aging - dying. The way has opened for the creation of a happy life without old age - death throughout this world cycle in complete spiritual comfort, in complete health, in complete well-being.

Table of contents

From the author

Psychological support teaching

The Law of the Universe on Spiritual Matter

Teaching about Divine Self-Transformation

Self-education techniques

Technique for Mastering Healing Thoughts Successfully

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death for men and women

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death (for men)

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death (for women)

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death (for believing men)

Healing thoughts from all diseases, old age and death (for women believers)

Healing thoughts

Chapter 1. Healthy Brain

Divine Rebirth of a Young Healthy Brain

Revival of the young neuro-cerebral anatomical and physiological hearing apparatus

Hearing enhancement

Revival of the young neuro-cerebral anatomical and physiological visual apparatus

Chapter 2. Steadfast young heart

Divine Strengthening of the Heart

Healthier heart

Chapter 3. Revival of a young digestive system

Destroying infection in the stomach

Revitalizing a healthy pancreas

Chapter 4. Improvement of the genitourinary system

Revival of the youthful urinary apparatus (1st option)

Revival of the youthful urinary tract (2nd option)

Healing the prostate

Improvement of the bladder

Improvement of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the bladder

Complete recovery of the prostate gland

Destruction of the cyst in the pelvis of the right kidney (1st option)

Destruction of the cyst in the pelvis of the right kidney (2nd option)

Strengthening the bladder

Chapter 5. Adding vitality and energies

Strengthening the soul and body

A giant charge of vitality and energies

A constant influx of new vitality and energies

Adding new energy to life

I live according to the program of the God of the Universe

Divine amplification of love

Center for psychological support G.N. Sytin - selfless help for everyone

Book Information:

Author: Georgy Sytin

Publisher: IG "Ves"

ISBN: 978-5-9573-2522-2

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